September 28, 2017
London UK/Spokane WA
In an address yesterday at London’s Hotel Tech Live, Magnuson Hotels CEO and co-founder Thomas Magnuson stated that recent disruptions to the UK hotel inventory are presenting new opportunities for struggling independent hotel owners.
Magnuson stated if Airbnb, founded in 2008, were classed by the industry as a hotel chain today, it would represent more than 22% of the UK hotel inventory.
Magnuson reports that Airbnb’s recent addition of 175,000 listings to the existing UK supply of 625,780 rooms represents a shift in consumer tastes away from hotel brand standardisation.
“While some see this as a case of weaker demand chasing more rooms, we see this market transformation as a breakthrough opportunity for independent hoteliers. Independent hoteliers can benefit from the investment Airbnb is making toward educating the world that uniqueness is desirable by consumers.”
About Magnuson Worldwide:
Since its launch thirteen years ago, Magnuson Worldwide has become the world’s largest independent hotel group, America’s fastest growing hotel brand and a top 15 global chain marketing over 1,000 hotels across six countries and three continents. Magnuson Worldwide’s newly formed distribution partnership with Chinese operator Jin Jiang Hotels and Europe’s Louvre Hotels is the world’s largest hotel alliance, forming a consortium of over 8,000 hotels and 800,000 rooms worldwide, equal to the size of a top 2 global hotel chain.