Why Hotel Revenue Management is Bigger Than Just Average Room Rate

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In the competitive landscape of the hospitality industry, mastering your hotel’s revenue strategy is not just about monitoring the average room rate. It involves a nuanced understanding of a variety of metrics and processes. This guide aims to deepen your understanding and drive your hotel toward greater success. Strategic Marketing for Targeted Results Throwing your […]

How to set Your Independent Hotel Apart From the Competition in 2018

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The hotel landscape is ever-changing and evolving, and in 2018 standing out from the crowd can seem more complicated than ever before. Your independent hotel has an immediate benefit compared to many larger chains, if you can learn how to identify your own unique selling proposition (USP) and shape your hotel so it gets noticed […]

Tom Magnuson’s 7 Rules on Being a Successful Hotel Manager

Tom Magnuson, CEO of Magnuson Worldwide

Managing a hotel is no easy business. With increased competition and ever-shifting success indicators, it can be difficult for hotels to stay afloat, let alone thrive. Here, Magnuson Worldwide founder Tom Magnuson shares his top 7 rules for managing a super-successful hotel, no matter what obstacles are in your way… 1.Lead and Innovate Innovation is […]